Sites & cities that bear the name of Complutum


Today in : Spain
First trace of activity : ca. 1st century C.E
Last trace of activity : ca. 5th century C.E

Description : Complutum was a settlement on the Iberian peninsula within Tarragona . In the 3rd century it appears related in the Antonino A-24 Itinerary and the Antonino A-25 Itinerary headed with the title of Alio itinere ab Emerita Cesaragustam 369 which means "Another road from Mérida to Zaragoza, 369 miles", between the squares of Titulciam and Arriaca . The archaeological site of Complutum is a set of archaeological remains corresponding to Complutum, the ancient Roman city on which today Alcalá de Henares sits , in the Community of Madrid . It is located in the current Juncal street, in the extreme south west of the current city, 1 to more than a kilometer from the medieval nucleus (Plaza and Iglesia de los Santos Niños); while both the pre-Roman oppidum and the Andalusian Alcalá la Vieja occupied high points of easier defense in the hills on the other side of the Henares river . Since 1988, it has been declared an asset of cultural interest by the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture of the Autonomous Community of Madrid. 2 Since August 6, 2008, an important part (circuit delimited in the forum) has been opened to the public as an open-air mus

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