Sites & cities that bear the name of Cynopolis


Today in : Egypt
First trace of activity : ca. 12th century B.C.E
Last trace of activity : ca. 1st century C.E
Recorded names : Hardai?, Hout-Benou?, Hout-Redjou?, Kynopolis, Kynopolites, Cynopolis Superior , Saka?

Description : Cynopolis (Greek for "city of the dog") was the Hellenistic toponym for two cities in Ancient Egypt. Both Cynopolis superior and Cynopolis inferior were bishoprics in Christian times. Cynopolis was the Greek name for the ancient Egyptian town of Saka (or Hardai?); (Coptic: Ⲕⲁⲓⲥ or Ⲕⲟⲉⲓⲥ) in the seventeenth nome of Upper Egypt, was home to the cult of Anubis, a canine-shaped deity. According to Claudius Ptolemy, the town was situated on an island in the river. The modern settlement of El Kays now stands on the site. The nome of Cynopolis extended to both banks of the Nile. A burial ground for dogs was discovered on the opposite bank of the Nile, near Hamatha. The neighbouring cities were rivals according to Plutarch, who wrote (De Iside, 72) that when a Cynopolis resident ate an Oxyrhynchos fish, the people of Oxyrhynchos started attacking dogs in revenge, which resulted in a minor civil war. Cynopolis was destroyed by the viceroy of Nubia Pinehesy during the reign of Ramses XI: the survivors were enslaved.

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