Sites & cities that bear the name of Desilo


Today in : Bosnia and Herzegovina
First trace of activity : ca. 16th century B.C.E
Last trace of activity : ca. 4th century C.E

Description : Desilo is an underwater archaeological site in southern Bosnia and Herzegovina, located near the Neretva (or Narenta) river and the Croatian border. The site was first discovered in the late 20th century, but Desilo's history can be traced as far back as ancient times. Investigations by a University of Mostar archaeological team in 2007 uncovered many sunken boats at the bottom of the small lake in Desilo valley. The archaeologists believe these boats to be Illyrian ships, dating back to the first and second centuries B.C. Further excavations in 2008 by University of Oslo archaeologists found evidence suggesting that Desilo was an Illyrian trading post. These archaeological findings are significant because they are the first known discovery of Illyrian ships. Additionally, Desilo functioning as a trading centre suggests there were peaceful interactions between the Illyrians and the Romans.

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