Sites & cities that bear the name of Erzurum


Today in : Turkey
First trace of activity : ca. 12th century B.C.E
Last trace of activity : today
Recorded names : Θεοδοσιούπολις, Theodosiopolis, Կարնո քաղաք, Karno K'aghak', Kālīkalā, Artsn Rum, Artze of the Rûm, Kārin

Description : The surroundings of Erzurum at the Urartian period presumably belonged to Diauehi. Later, Erzurum existed under the Armenian name of Karin. During the reigns of the Artaxiad and Arsacid kings of Armenia, Karin served as the capital of the eponymous canton of Karin, in the province Bardzr Hayk' (Upper Armenia). After the partition of Armenia between the Eastern Roman Empire and Sassanid Persia in 387 AD, the city passed into the hands of the Romans. They fortified the city and renamed it Theodosiopolis, after Emperor Theodosius I. As the chief military stronghold along the eastern border of the empire, Theodosiopolis held a highly important strategic location and was fiercely contested in wars between the Byzantines and Persians. Emperors Anastasius I and Justinian I both refortified the city and built new defenses during their reigns.

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