Sites & cities that bear the name of Lom


Today in : Bulgaria
First trace of activity : ca. 5th century B.C.E
Last trace of activity : today
Recorded names : Artanes, Almus, Lom Palanka, Лом

Description : Lom (Bulgarian: Лом ) is a town in northwestern Bulgaria, part of Montana Province, situated on the right bank of the Danube, close to the estuary of the Lom River. Lom was founded by the Thracians under the name of Artanes in Antiquity. After the Romans called the fortress and the town Almus, from where the name of the today's city and of the Lom River comes. There are no reports proving that there existed a big settlement in the Middle Ages. It was not until Ottoman rule that it enlarged but for a long time it was under the shadow of the dominant towns of Vidin, Nikopol and Silistra. It is assumed that the Ottoman village was founded in 1695 by Kara Mustafa and Murad Bey, who were defeated at Vienna in 1683 and who came here sailing rafts along the Danube.

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