Sites & cities that bear the name of Miaccum


Today in : Spain
First trace of activity : ca. 1st century C.E
Last trace of activity : ca. 5th century C.E
Recorded names : Miacum, El Beneficio

Description : Miaccum is an ancient Roman mansion , also referred to as Miacum , 1 located on the road between Segovia and Titulciam , 2 mentioned in the Itineraries of Antonino . 3 The most relevant piece is a mosaic discovered in the 18th century called "the Four Seasons", preserved in the Municipal Museum of Madrid . In the 21st century , the location of «Miaccum» was proposed in the Madrid municipality of Collado Mediano , after the appearance of the remains of an inn , 4 on the road or Roman road 24 in the area of Fuenfría , 5 and from from the makeshift excavations a teacher had done years before. 6 This road represented the junction of the North Plateau from Segovia, through the Fuenfría Port, through Cercedilla (where a Roman milestone 7 was found ), with the South Plateau. Like most Roman roads, it is likely that its route roughly followed that of a pre-Roman road, and the most widely accepted date of its construction is AD 76-77. C. The ruins, in the place known as "El Beneficio", are made up of a « mansio » (a type of Roman inn on the road), several houses and service areas, with construction periods between the 1st and 5th centuries AD. There are remains of three construction phases: the first, dated in the 1st-2nd century AD. C., later dismantled in its entirety; a second, with a slightly different plant from the previous one, dated between the 2nd and 4th centuries AD. C., which is the most active according to the archaeological remains and the type and importance of the constructions-, and a very limited last phase, from the 4th-5th century AD. C., which only affected some specific areas of the enclosure. 8

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