Sites & cities that bear the name of Peu-Richard


Today in : France
First trace of activity : ca. 3,500 B.C.E
Last trace of activity : ca. 30th century B.C.E

Description : The Peu-Richard culture is a Neolithic culture , established in Saintonge around 3,400 BC. Its name is linked to the many remains discovered near the place called Peu-Richard in the town of Thénac in the Charente-Maritime department. This culture, whose origin is undoubtedly Atlantic, developed between 3,400 and 2,900 BC. J.-C 1 . The habitat is grouped together in fortified sites of more than 150 m in diameter surrounded by ditches 5 m wide and 2 m deep like those found in the municipalities of Barzan , Semussac , L'Éguille and Cozes . This culture is characterized by a ceramic with a varied decoration composed of superimposed grooves, horizontal incisions, garlands (around the handles), Greek, chevrons, radiating patterns ... The orifices of some handles are underlined by incisions evoking eyes giving them an anthropomorphic appearance 2 .

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