Sites & cities that bear the name of Spina


Today in : Italy
First trace of activity : ca. 6th century B.C.E
Last trace of activity : ca. 1st century C.E

Description : Spina was an Etruscan port city, established by the end of the 6th century BCE, on the Adriatic at the ancient mouth of the Po, south of the lagoon which would become the site of Venice. Spina was founded around 525 BC, soon after Atria. It had the predominantly Etruscan population, but also a significant Greek trading emporium. The population of Spina became significantly Hellenised. Many of the goods imported through Spina were destined for the bigger Etruscan city of Felsina (ancient name of Bologna). The city was at the southern end of the ancient Amber road from the Baltic sea. This trade was done through the Veneti, whose cities were to the north. They also traded in horses, for which the Veneti were famous.

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