Sites & cities that bear the name of Tarbisu


Today in : Iraq
First trace of activity : ca. 8th century B.C.E
Last trace of activity : ca. 7th century B.C.E
Recorded names : Sherif Khan

Description : Tarbisu (modern Sherif Khan, Ninawa Governorate, Iraq) was an ancient city about 3 miles north of Nineveh. Tarabisu was a minor town until the control of the Assyrian Empire was moved to nearby Nineveh by Sennacherib. Two palaces were built there, one by Esarhaddon for his son and crown prince, Ashurbanipal. Two temples were found at the site, one being the temple of Nergal, constructed by Sennacherib, and added to by Ashurbanipal. One of the gates in the northwest wall of Nineveh was named for Nergal and the road from that gate to Tarbisu was paved completely in stone by Sennacherib. Tarbisu was captured by the Medes, led by Cyaxares in the 12th year of Nabopolassar, king of Babylon and faded along with the Assyrian Empire.

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